21st Century Phraud: Three Jurisdictions’ Efforts to Combat Telecommunications Fraud (2005)

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Title: 21st Century Phraud: Three Jurisdictions’ Efforts to Combat Telecommunications Fraud (2005)
País: United States
Idioma: English
Fuente: Fuente: National District Attorneys Association, http://www.ndaa.orgFuente: National District Attorneys Association, http://www.ndaa.org
Reseña: Based upon the responses to a 2003 survey, APRI selected three prosecutorial offices for an in-depth study on what local prosecutors were doing to meet the challenges posed by telecommunications fraud cases. The offices selected were in three different regions of the country, with widely varying demographics: the San Diego County (CA) District Attorney’s Office’s CATCH Response Team2; the District Attorney’s Office for the Thirteenth Prosecutorial District of North Carolina; and the Lake County (IL) State’s Attorney’s Office. Each of these offices has addressed the scourge of telecommunications fraud within the constraints of its manpower, investigative resources, and budget. APRI visited these offices with the goal of identifying the lessons learned and promising practices developed by these offices. The remainder of this monograph will provide an overview of each jurisdiction’s demographics and discuss their respective efforts. (palabras claves: ministerio público, fraude de telecomunicaciones)

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