AMBER Alert: Best Practices Guide for Public Information Officers (2006)

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Title: AMBER Alert: Best Practices Guide for Public Information Officers (2006)
País: United States
Idioma: English
Fuente: Fuente: Office for Victims of Crime, DOJ, http://ovc.ncjrs.govFuente: Office for Victims of Crime, DOJ,
Reseña: Describes the public information officer’s (PIO’s) job responsibilities and provides tips to maximize the PIO’s effectiveness before, during, and after an AMBER Alert activation. It offers recommendations for helping law enforcement agencies achieve a smooth, rapid public warning activation program. This guide underscores the value of the PIO as an integral member of the public warning network, one who will be most helpful to the AMBER Alert team when he or she has been a key member from the outset. (palabras claves: abducción infantil, abducción de niños)

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