An analysis of the political and military aspects of the negative decision of countries like China, Israel or the United States to ratify the Rome Statutes and the reaction of the EU towards these challenges (spanish)

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Title: An analysis of the political and military aspects of the negative decision of countries like China, Israel or the United States to ratify the Rome Statutes and the reaction of the EU towards these challenges (spanish)
País: Costa Rica
Fuente: Fuente: Conference on the International Criminal Court held in San Jose, Costa Rica from the 29th of october to the 31st of october 2002. The conference was organized by the Universidad De La Salle, el Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, the Colegio de Abogados de Costa Rica with the support of the Coalition of NGO´s for the ICC, the International Asociation of Lawyers specialized in Criminal Defense, and the International Committee of the Red Cross in Costa Rica.Fuente: Conference on the International Criminal Court held in San Jose, Costa Rica from the 29th of october to the 31st of october 2002. The conference was organized by the Universidad De La Salle, el Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, the Colegio de Abogados de Costa Rica with the support of the Coalition of NGO´s for the ICC, the International Asociation of Lawyers specialized in Criminal Defense, and the International Committee of the Red Cross in Costa Rica.
Reseña: Speech by Fabián Volio Echevarría, Professor of Constitutional Jurisdiction. The professor discusses the different arguments developed by certain countries against the Rome Statute.

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