Combating Domestic Violence in New York City: A Study of DV Cases in the Criminal Courts (2003)

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Title: Combating Domestic Violence in New York City: A Study of DV Cases in the Criminal Courts (2003)
País: United States
Idioma: English
Fuente: Fuente: New York City Criminal Justice Agency (CJA), New York City Criminal Justice Agency (CJA),
Reseña: New York City Criminal Justice Agency (CJA) functions as New York City’s pretrial services program. In this report, CJA examines the strategies developed by prosecutors and the criminal courts in New York City to address domestic violence. CJA provides data about the impact of these strategies on conviction rates and on criminal sanctions in domestic violence cases. CJA also examines data on re-arrests of domestic violence offenders to assess the deterrent effect of criminal sanctions. Finally, CJA discusses the implications of its research findings for policy and practice.

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