Cross-Designation & Federal Firearms Laws: What Local Prosecutors Need to Know (2003)

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Title: Cross-Designation & Federal Firearms Laws: What Local Prosecutors Need to Know (2003)
País: United States
Idioma: English
Fuente: Fuente: National District Attorneys Association, http://www.ndaa.orgFuente: National District Attorneys Association,
Reseña: Under the Project Safe Neighborhoods initiative (PSN), gun violence reduction programs are forming all over the country. These programs typically include a broad range of initiatives and interventions to prevent and combat violent crime. Many of these programs share the common perspective that heightened attention must be paid to the forum selected for prosecuting individuals who are involved in crimes involving the illegal possession and use of firearms. Determination of the most appropriate forum is best accomplished through the systematic and purposeful coordination of members of the law enforcement community, especially the state, local and federal prosecutors. One of the tools being employed in this effort (and other initiatives dealing with such problems as drug use and distribution) is the use of cross-designated prosecutors and the application of federal firearms laws to cases traditionally only prosecuted at the state or local level. This brief publication seeks to provide some answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding cross-designation and the federal firearms laws. (palabras claves: ministerio público, delitos con armas, pistola)

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