Guide to the National Standards for Bail Supervision and Support Schemes (2001)

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Title: Guide to the National Standards for Bail Supervision and Support Schemes (2001)
País: United Kingdom
Idioma: English
Fuente: Fuente: Youth Justice Board for England and Wales , Youth Justice Board for England and Wales ,
Reseña: The Bail Support Policy and Dissemination Unit - Nacro Cymru are contracted by the Youth Justice Board to act as national supporters and evaluators to those schemes that are funded under the development fund grants for bail supervision and support, between April 1999 and March 2002. The Bail Unit on behalf of the Youth Justice Board has written these good practice guidelines. The practice guidelines are to accompany the National Standards for bail supervision and support, published in May 2001. The purpose of the document is to assist Yots and their partner agencies with the strategic planning and implementation process, by identifying where schemes currently meet bail supervision and support national standards and where action will be required for the future.Reseña: The Bail Support Policy and Dissemination Unit - Nacro Cymru are contracted by the Youth Justice Board to act as national supporters and evaluators to those schemes that are funded under the development fund grants for bail supervision and support, between April 1999 and March 2002. The Bail Unit on behalf of the Youth Justice Board has written these good practice guidelines. The practice guidelines are to accompany the National Standards for bail supervision and support, published in May 2001. The purpose of the document is to assist Yots and their partner agencies with the strategic planning and implementation process, by identifying where schemes currently meet bail supervision and support national standards and where action will be required for the future.

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