Memorandum of understanding between The Attorney General of Ontario (hereinafter called the "Minister") and the Chief Judge of the Ontario Court (Provincial Division)(hereinafter called the "Chief Judge")

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Title: Memorandum of understanding between The Attorney General of Ontario (hereinafter called the "Minister") and the Chief Judge of the Ontario Court (Provincial Division)(hereinafter called the "Chief Judge")
País: Canadá
Fuente: Fuente: Experiences of judicial management reform. International Seminary. Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA). Santiago, Chile. August 20-22, 2002.Fuente: Experiences of judicial management reform. International Seminary. Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA). Santiago, Chile. August 20-22, 2002.
Reseña: The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to define the financial and administrative authority and responsibility of the Office of the Chief Judge and to clarify the operational and administrative relationships between the Ministry and the Office of the Chief Judge.

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