National Consultation on Justice Issues: St.Kitts and Nevis

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Title: National Consultation on Justice Issues: St.Kitts and Nevis
País: St. Lucia
Fuente: Fuente: <a href="">OECS-CIDA Judicial and Legal Reform Project (JLR)</a>, 2002, 17 p.Fuente: <a href="">OECS-CIDA Judicial and Legal Reform Project (JLR)</a>, 2002, 17 p.
Reseña: The first in a series of consultations on Complementary Measures for the OECS Judicial andLegal Reform Project was held in St. Kitts from 27 - 28 November, 2001. Participants weredrawn from the judiciary, the Police, social service agencies, religious organisations, the BarAssociation, government departments and non-government organisations. The consultationwas aimed at providing a forum for stakeholders to discuss the measures and identifypriorities and the Anext steps in the implementation process.

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