Pretrial Services Program Implementation: A Starter Kit

Show simple item record Pretrial Justice Institute
dc.coverage.spatial United States 2016-01-07T15:28:24Z 2016-01-07T15:28:24Z
dc.description.abstract This Starter Kit provides information on implementing a pretrial services program in jurisdictions that do not have one, but are planning to implement one. It is also beneficial for jurisdictions that have a program that provides minimal services, and are seeking to enhance the program.To implement or enhance a pretrial services program requires the following:- Knowledge of your state statute and court rules governing pretrial release decision making in your jurisdiction, as well as national standards on pretrial release decision making;- Knowledge of the core functions of a pretrial services program, and research findings on the most effective approaches to those functions;- A list of all the steps necessary to implement a comprehensive pretrial services program; and- Examples of program practices currently in place in other jurisdictions. This Starter Kit either provides all of this information here or provides information on how to locate it. The first section describes the legal framework for pretrial release decision making, which is important to understand before thinking about how a pretrial services program in your jurisdiction should be designed. The second section describes the core functions of a pretrial services program. The third section lays out the steps that need to be completed to implement a pretrial services program that incorporates the core functions. The fourth section presents a check list for starting a pretrial services program. The appendix includes examples of interview forms, risk assessment tools, supervision forms, and other materials relating to the core functions that are used in jurisdictions with extensive experience in providing pretrial services.
dc.description.abstract Reseña: This Starter Kit provides information on implementing a pretrial services program in jurisdictions that do not have one, but are planning to implement one. It is also beneficial for jurisdictions that have a program that provides minimal services, and are seeking to enhance the program.To implement or enhance a pretrial services program requires the following:- Knowledge of your state statute and court rules governing pretrial release decision making in your jurisdiction, as well as national standards on pretrial release decision making;- Knowledge of the core functions of a pretrial services program, and research findings on the most effective approaches to those functions;- A list of all the steps necessary to implement a comprehensive pretrial services program; and- Examples of program practices currently in place in other jurisdictions. This Starter Kit either provides all of this information here or provides information on how to locate it. The first section describes the legal framework for pretrial release decision making, which is important to understand before thinking about how a pretrial services program in your jurisdiction should be designed. The second section describes the core functions of a pretrial services program. The third section lays out the steps that need to be completed to implement a pretrial services program that incorporates the core functions. The fourth section presents a check list for starting a pretrial services program. The appendix includes examples of interview forms, risk assessment tools, supervision forms, and other materials relating to the core functions that are used in jurisdictions with extensive experience in providing pretrial services.
dc.language.iso English
dc.title Pretrial Services Program Implementation: A Starter Kit
dc.ceja.source Fuente: Pretrial Justice Institute,

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