Restorative Justice: Directions and Principles – Developments in Canada

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Title: Restorative Justice: Directions and Principles – Developments in Canada
País: Canadá
Fuente: Fuente: <a href="">Solicitor General Canada </a>Fuente: <a href="">Solicitor General Canada </a>
Reseña: The purpose of this paper is to summarize the directions and developments in respect of restorative justice (RJ) in Canada as well as Canada’s efforts in support of the adoption of international principles to guide policy and practice in this emerging field. The summary of RJ in Canada includes a brief account of its roots in Aboriginal cultures, faith communities and non-governmental organizations, the milestone events that led to an expansion of programmes during the 1990s, and an overview of recent activities that have promoted awareness, discussion and education in RJ across the country. The paper also provides a synopsis of the results of research on RJ in Canada, including evaluations of programmes, meta-analyses of the impacts of RJ, victims’ perceptions of RJ and public attitudes towards RJ.

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