Juvenile Delinquency and Community Prosecution: New Strategies for Old Problems

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Title: Juvenile Delinquency and Community Prosecution: New Strategies for Old Problems
País: United States
Idioma: English
Fuente: Fuente: American Prosecutors Research Institute, National District Attorneys Association, http://www.ndaa.orgFuente: American Prosecutors Research Institute, National District Attorneys Association, http://www.ndaa.org
Reseña: This monograph provides a brief explanation of community prosecution, an overview of the potential interface between community prosecution and juvenile justice, a discussion of the legal and systemic issues that APRI uncovered during its site visits, a review of some common issues identified between community prosecution and juvenile justice, and a brief comparison of community prosecution to another emerging juvenile justice philosophy, balanced and restorative justice. (palabras claves: persecución penal inteligente, investigación penal, ministerio público, comunidad, delincuencia juvenil)

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