Report on the Civil Society Follow Up of the Implementation of the Quebec Plan of Action: The Jamaica Report

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Title: Report on the Civil Society Follow Up of the Implementation of the Quebec Plan of Action: The Jamaica Report
País: Jamaica
Fuente: Fuente: <a href="" target="_blank"> Participación Ciudadana para la Cumbre de las Américas</a>Fuente: <a href="" target="_blank"> Participación Ciudadana para la Cumbre de las Américas</a>
Reseña: This report is the result of an initiative taken on by the Association of Development Agencies (ADA) to conduct research on five (5) stated areas; namely (i) access to information (ii) freedom of expression (iii) justice (iv) local government and decentralization and (v) civil society and participation. This initiative was strategized at the 2001 Summit of the Americas. This strategy was to mandate civil society organizations to follow-up on the implementation of the Quebec Plan of Action their respective countries.

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