Just Look What You’ve Done: Determining the Effectiveness of Community Prosecution

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Title: Just Look What You’ve Done: Determining the Effectiveness of Community Prosecution
País: United States
Idioma: English
Fuente: Fuente: American Prosecutors Research Institute, National District Attorneys Association, http://www.ndaa.orgFuente: American Prosecutors Research Institute, National District Attorneys Association, http://www.ndaa.org
Reseña: This monograph is designed to help prosecutors understand how to look at the totality of their efforts by defining goals and objectives and how to use these goals and objectives to gauge the overall effectiveness of the offices’ community prosecution efforts. The experiences of a few jurisdictions that have strived to document their successes are also included. (palabras claves: persecución penal inteligente, investigación penal, ministerio público, comunidad)

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