Research Executive Summary: Proposals for the Honduran criminal justice system for the treatment and management of cases of corruption and those with high social impact

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Title: Research Executive Summary: Proposals for the Honduran criminal justice system for the treatment and management of cases of corruption and those with high social impact
País: Honduras
Fecha de Publicación: 2019-03
Idioma: en
Reseña: At the request of the Mission to Support the Fight against Corruption and Impunity in Honduras (MACCIH), the Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA) conducted empirical research during 2018 to assess the performance of the Honduran criminal justice system. The findings of the study, which were applied in four areas of the country (Atlántida, Copán, Cortés, and Francisco de Morazán) are complemented by a series of recommendations or specific proposals that seek to improve the country’s institutional structure in order to support the fight against corruption and promote respect for the rights of defendants and victims.

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