Technology, Criminal Proceedings, Hearings and Oral Trial

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Title: Technology, Criminal Proceedings, Hearings and Oral Trial
País: Chile
Palabras clave: COVID19 - Oral Trial - Technology - Criminal Proceedings - JSCA
Fecha de Publicación: 2020-06
Idioma: en
Reseña: These challenges are even more profound if one observes the mechanisms through which cases are channeled, discussed and resolved in an accusatory and adversarial criminal justice system that uses oral, concentrated and contradictory oral hearings that involve interactions between operators and litigators and among the litigators themselves. This comes in addition to the relationships and connections between litigants and witnesses or experts and among attorneys and their clients. All of this develops in the context of a hearing that is not easy to transfer to an electronic platform so that it can be held remotely (also referred to as virtually).

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