The Rule of Law: A Lexicon for Policy Makers

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Title: The Rule of Law: A Lexicon for Policy Makers
País: Estados Unidos
Fuente: Fuente: <a href="" target="_blank">International Development Law Organization</a>Fuente: <a href="" target="_blank">International Development Law Organization</a>
Reseña: Frequent references to the Rule of Law make it appear that there is generalagreement about what the Rule of Law is, what precisely it entails, and how itcan be adopted in nations that have not heretofore embraced it. Yet, legalpractitioners and scholars concede there is a genuine lack of agreement, even inWestern societies and free market economies. Many Asian leaders, in particular,voice skepticism that the Rule of Law is relevant to and can succeed in theirnations. Support for the Rule of Law in Asia is often superficial, frequently inresponse to perceived pressure from the West or from multinational institutions.In short, the Rule of Law is the subject of an ongoing and vibrant internationaldebate.

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