The process of restorative justice involves the caring compassion of others by providing support for the peaceful resolution of the conflict. The term...
Every year, thousands of unaccompanied children come into contact with the U.S. Immigration system, a daunting web of laws and policies involving nume...
This Article analyzes a recent string of cases decided by the Mexican supreme court regarding sexual and reproductive rights and involving issues such...
This article considers the relationship between social disclosure and corporate accountability in Canada. It focuses on the potential benefits social ...
The frequent gap between de jure and de facto arrangements within South American judicial systems suggest that an institutional focus is not enough to...
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs) are specialists in one of the most well-known fields within the arena of forensic nursing. However, many SANEs ...
Actualmente, nuestra sociedad se encuentra frente a una problemática que siempre ha existido , pero los medios de comunicación, así como intereses man...
Este trabajo se avoca a los efectos económicos, sociales y políticos de la Globalización y el Neoliberalismo y su impacto en temas de género, con el f...
This article reviews U.S. immigration law and suggests improvements based on the principle of cultural diplomacy. The article asserts that in the post...
Recalling that the Sixth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offendersrecommended that the United Nations should c...
La presentación trata la Ley 54 promulgada el 15 de agosto de 1989, que provee alternativas concretas para las personas que confrontan violencia físi...
El sistema penitenciario requiere una profunda modernización que incluya racionalizar el uso de las cárceles, perfeccionar el sistema de medidas alter...
Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienablerights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, ju...
Common sense suggests that street level prostitution and drug dealing should be attacked from many fronts simultaneously. This monograph addresses pro...
Presents data from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) on trends in the percentage of serious violent crime victims who received help or ad...
El trabajo intenta recuperar la escucha a los distintos operadores del sistema, a otros agudos einteresados observadores de la realidad de las niñas, ...
Estudio de validación del instrumento “Encuesta sobre Convivencia Escolar para Alumnos” creado originalmente por Fundación Paz Ciudadana el 2005, que ...
This monograph explores different psychological (e.g., depression, anger, or anxiety) and behavioral responses (e.g., not fighting back during a rape,...
The beginnings of the idea of mediation are connected with solving penalconflicts through the settlement of case through negotiation between victim an...