Ha sido un desafío proponer un número enteramente dedicado a cuestiones de género y diversidad sexual en una publicación cuyo eje temático habitual es...
En América Latina, las situaciones de exclusión, vulnerabilidad y desigualdad no son una excepción. Diversas expresiones de la vulnerabilidad social a...
Ponencia presentada en Seminario Internacional Mecanismos Alternativos al Proceso Judicial, realizado en Bogotá Colombia los días 24 y 25 de Noviembre...
Two recent research programs-one on the sources of democratic consolidation and another on the causes and consequences of violent conflict—have tended...
This article examines states’ decisions to commit to human rights treaties. It argues that the effect of a treaty on a state—and hence the state’s wil...
This paper examines the validity of Augusto Pinochet’s amnesty decree in Chile, asserting that it violates the nation’s international treaty obligatio...
Presentation made at the The 10th annual Conference and General Meeting of the International Association of Prosecutors held in Copenhagen, Denmark on...
By the early 1800 the United States of had nearly completed its task of separatingcriminal legal proceedings from civil proceedings, and effectively m...
Presentation made at the The 10th annual Conference and General Meeting of the International Association of Prosecutors held in Copenhagen, Denmark on...
Recent research on human rights has examined the relationship between violent dissent and repression in democracies. Yet, it has not examined whether ...
En el caso de la violencia contra la mujer, en Honduras se cuenta con una ley civil contra la violencia doméstica, y con una ley penal contra la viole...
This paper analyses the repercussions of the high level of criminal violence in Latin America on the economy of the countries of the region. The theor...
Even a cursory review of daily newspaper headlines and conversations throughout Latin Americaand the Caribbean reveals that the subject of violence is...
The beginnings of the idea of mediation are connected with solving penalconflicts through the settlement of case through negotiation between victim an...
This monograph explores different psychological (e.g., depression, anger, or anxiety) and behavioral responses (e.g., not fighting back during a rape,...
This study was commissioned by the Department of Justice Canada. It is one of the few studies of its kind in the country. The researchers hope that it...
Presents data from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) on trends in the percentage of serious violent crime victims who received help or ad...
La idea original de este estudio, fue de evaluar el nivel de satisfacción y la percepción del sistema penal y jurídico chileno en un vasto número de v...
A lo largo de sus ocho capítulos, esta obra analiza la importancia de la ComisiónInteramericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) y de la Corte Interamerican...
El documento trata sobre los crímenes cometidos durante las dos décadas en que estuvo a la cabeza del gobierno Alberto Fujimori, como consecuencia de ...