Advancing Community Policing Through Community Governance: A Framework Document

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Title: Advancing Community Policing Through Community Governance: A Framework Document
País: United States
Idioma: English
Fuente: Fuente: Office of Community-Oriented Policing ServicesFuente: Office of Community-Oriented Policing Services
Reseña: As law enforcement agencies strengthen and advance their community policing efforts they often call on their colleagues in other departments of their own city government to assist with problem-solving efforts in the community. Many city administrators and elected officials are also seeking ways to increase community involvement in local government matters in a more systematic way that results in a more transparent government structure that stresses accountability and responsiveness to the community. Cities that pursue these collective efforts are beginning to adopt a philosophical approach to local governance referred to as “community governance”, which is collaborative across agencies and service oriented. Advancing Community Policing Through Community Governance details the community governance philosophy and describes its implementation in five communities across the country.

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