Análisis económico y socio–jurídico del salario mínimo en Colombia en el periodo 1990–2006

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Title: Análisis económico y socio–jurídico del salario mínimo en Colombia en el periodo 1990–2006
País: Colombia
Idioma: Español
Fuente: Link: <a href=""></a>Link: <a href=""></a> - Fuente: Universidad IcesiFuente: Universidad Icesi
Reseña: The purpose of this research was to study the influence of the minimum  salary on the Colombian labor market using Pierre Bourdieu's theory of fields as a theoretical framework. To this end, a study was conducted of  the overall situation of the informal and formal employment sectors in  the labor market. The study clarifies erroneous concepts regarding the informal employment sector and views education as a key variable that  determines the income level of both sectors. It also shows that, despite  being exclusively designed for the formal sector, the minimum salary is  an instrument that has direct repercussions on the informal sector as  well.  Therefore, it is worthwhile to reconsider the way in which it is regulated and how the minimum salary adjustments were negotiated during the period in review.

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