Civil Gang Injunctions: A Guide for Prosecutors

Show simple item record Max Shiner
dc.coverage.spatial United States 2016-01-07T15:23:30Z 2016-01-07T15:23:30Z
dc.description.abstract As gang crime continues to escalate across the country, prosecutors, law enforcement, community leaders, and allied professionals continual- ly seek innovative methods to reduce the spread of gang-related criminal activity. One method, pioneered by the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office, is the use of gang injunctions. While this use of civil injunction law is certainly an expansion of the traditional purview of prosecutors, existing law in most jurisdictions should provide the necessary framework to enable prosecutors to pursue a gang injunction. And while pursuing such a project takes time and effort, the far-reaching preventative aspects of an injunction are worth the additional work required to obtain them. This publication introduces prosecutors and law enforcement agencies to the specific steps necessary to put into place this innovative and effective process. (palabras claves: persecución penal inteligente, investigación penal, ministerio público, bandilla, mandamiento judicial)
dc.language.iso English 
dc.title Civil Gang Injunctions: A Guide for Prosecutors
dc.ceja.source Fuente: National District Attorneys Association,

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