Justice Studies Center of the Americas: Fourth Quarter Report October – December 2002

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Title: Justice Studies Center of the Americas: Fourth Quarter Report October – December 2002
País: Chile
Fuente: Fuente: JSCA. Justice Studies Center of the AmericasFuente: JSCA. Justice Studies Center of the Americas
Reseña: The VII JSCA’s Board of Directors Meeting was held October 17 - 18 in Santiago de Chile. During this period the JSCA also ratified collaboration agreements with the following institutions: The Supreme Court of Guatemala and the Supreme Court of the Dominican Republic among others. During this trimester the JSCA website has registered a total of 26,113 user sessions, an average of 276 per day. The JSCA followed the IV REMJA directive establishing a Regional Registry of Alternative Conflict Resolution Methods (MARC), which can be accessed from the Center’s website. Beginning in September a data collection matrix was submitted to official justice institutions via email and post in order to collect information for the Annual Report.

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