Quarterly Report of the Justice Studies Center of the Americas: April - June 2004

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dc.coverage.spatial Chile
dc.date.accessioned 2016-01-07T15:20:28Z
dc.date.available 2016-01-07T15:20:28Z
dc.identifier.uri http://desa1.cejamericas.org:8080/handle/2015/194
dc.description.abstract During the period, the Board of Directors met on April 2004 in Washington, D.C. The resolutions have been published on the JSCA Website. Cooperation agreements were signed with the Asociación Interamericana de Defensorías Públicas (Inter-American Association of Public Defenders Offices) and the Supreme Court of the Province of Mendoza, Argentina. In the area of Training, this quarter saw the initiation of the second phase of the Inter-American Program for Training Trainers for Criminal Procedure Reform. The finalization of this stage also marks the end of the first version of the Follow-up Study on Criminal Procedure Reform in Latin America. This stage has been implemented in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and in Bolivia, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Final reports for Buenos Aires and Bolivia have been published on JSCA’s Website.
dc.title Quarterly Report of the Justice Studies Center of the Americas: April - June 2004

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