Quarterly Report of the Justice Studies Center of the Americas: April 2002 - June 2002

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Title: Quarterly Report of the Justice Studies Center of the Americas: April 2002 - June 2002
País: Chile
Fuente: Fuente: JSCA. Justice Studies Center of the AmericasFuente: JSCA. Justice Studies Center of the Americas
Reseña: JSCA presents its Report of Activities before the General Assembly of the OAS and was immediately aproved. In this period the Headquarters Agreement of JSCA was approved by the Chilean Congress. The Human Security Program agrees to finance the Anual Report of JSCA. JSCA creates its own Intranet for staff use. Agreements are signed between JSCA and the Supreme Courts of Costa Rica and Chile. The members of SCO network start interacting amongst themselves and with JSCA.

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