The Virtual Information Center at the Justice Studies Center of the Americas: An analytical report of the virtual library

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dc.coverage.spatial Chile 2016-01-07T15:20:31Z 2016-01-07T15:20:31Z
dc.description.abstract Access to legal information is a pivotal pillar in justice reform and transparency. This report examines the role of the Centro de Estudio de Justicia de las Américas (CEJA) for its role as a provider of access to legal information in the region that comprises the member countries of the Organization of American States. It attempts to provide a sense of what primary legal documents each member country has, and advocates for CEJA Virtual Information Center (VIC) to become the central website of primary law documents for member countries, to provide ease of access by users without the necessity of visiting each country`s website, and to provide opportunities for comparisons of actual legislation in the different countries, thus promoting innovations in judicial reform.
dc.title The Virtual Information Center at the Justice Studies Center of the Americas: An analytical report of the virtual library

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