Access to justice: Practice note

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dc.coverage.spatial Sin Especificar 2016-01-07T15:29:44Z 2016-01-07T15:29:44Z
dc.description.abstract Access to justice is a vital part of the UNDP mandate to reduce poverty and strengthen democratic governance. This practice note is intended to suggest strategies for UNDP support to access to justice, particularly for the poor and disadvantaged, including women, children, minorities, persons living with HIV/AIDS and disabilities. Part II of the note emphasizes the need to focus on capacities to seek and provide remedies for injustice and outlines the normative principles that provide the framework within which these capacities can be developed. Part III of the note sets out principles for action, approaches and techniques that can be used by UNDP practitioners involved in access to justice programming.
dc.title Access to justice: Practice note
dc.ceja.source Fuente: Document sent by Simon Munzu.

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