Peace-building by the rule of law:An examination of intervention in the form ofinternational tribunals

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Title: Peace-building by the rule of law:An examination of intervention in the form ofinternational tribunals
País: Otro
Fuente: Fuente: <a href="" target="_blank">International Development Law Organization</a>Fuente: <a href="" target="_blank">International Development Law Organization</a>
Reseña: The aim of this essay is to examine the international tribunals from theperspective of peace operations. This is not a purely legal analysis of the tribunals;the questions posed in the essay are rather political in nature. In what sense are theysaid to contribute to peace? Are they really necessary and useful institutions formaintaining peace? Is it always the case that pursuing justice solidifies peace? Whatkind of peace is the establishment of the rule of law intended to achieve? The essayseeks to answer these questions by placing international criminal tribunals in thecontext of peace operations.

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