. Effectivité et ineffectivité des décisions de justice en matière matrimoniale : un exemple d'inef

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Title: . Effectivité et ineffectivité des décisions de justice en matière matrimoniale : un exemple d'inef
País: Canadá
Idioma: Francais
Fuente: Fuente: erudit.orgFuente: erudit.org
Reseña:  Effectivité et ineffectivité des décisions de justice en matière matrimoniale : un exempled'ineffectivité totale, le non-paiement de pensions alimentaires »Auteur: Édith DeleurySommaire: The problem of non payment of maintenance orders has been widely recognizedin many jurisdictions. It has attracted a considerable body of appliedresearch and programm development. After reviewing, with statistical data, theineffectiviness of Court enforcement procedures, the author analyzes the reasonsfor non enforcement and the remedies which have been adopted in the Province ofQuebec. The author distinguishes between what she calls preventive remedies,collecting and penalties. Lastly, she concludes that the problem goes farbeyond the law and that a re-thinking of the issues involved, particularly at theeconomic level, remains a necessity.

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