Unwelcome Guests: A Community Prosecution Approach to Street Level Drug Dealing and Prostitution

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Title: Unwelcome Guests: A Community Prosecution Approach to Street Level Drug Dealing and Prostitution
País: United States
Idioma: English
Fuente: Fuente: National District Attorneys Association, http://www.ndaa.orgFuente: National District Attorneys Association, http://www.ndaa.org
Reseña: Common sense suggests that street level prostitution and drug dealing should be attacked from many fronts simultaneously. This monograph addresses promising practices to abate these crimes of livability and high- lights creative strategies developed by community prosecutors in Kalamazoo County (Kalamazoo), MI; Multnomah County (Portland), OR; Marion County (Indianapolis), IN; and Denver, CO. These strategies include making changes to the environment to make it less abuser friendly, as well as imposing negative consequences for the suppliers and purchasers of the offending services. (palabras claves: persecución penal inteligente, investigación penal, ministerio público, comunidad, narcotráfico, prostitución)

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