Violence in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Framework for Action

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dc.coverage.spatial Estados Unidos 2016-01-07T15:21:40Z 2016-01-07T15:21:40Z
dc.description.abstract Even a cursory review of daily newspaper headlines and conversations throughout Latin Americaand the Caribbean reveals that the subject of violence is foremost on the minds of citizens. Fewin the region have remained unaffected by what is widely recognized as a multidimensional,multifaceted problem; nearly everyone has a story to tell, often in graphic terms. Survey aftersurvey consistently underscores the gravity and prevalence of the concern. This document will examine this subject as well as statistics related to domestic violence in the region.
dc.title Violence in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Framework for Action
dc.ceja.source Fuente: <a href="" target="_blank">Inter-American Development Bank</a>

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