Comparative Analysis of Mediation and Conciliation Legislation in Colombia and Argentina (Spanish language document- Análisis Comparativo de la Legislación de Mediación y Conciliación Colombo – Argentina)

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Title: Comparative Analysis of Mediation and Conciliation Legislation in Colombia and Argentina (Spanish language document- Análisis Comparativo de la Legislación de Mediación y Conciliación Colombo – Argentina)
País: Argentina
Reseña: In Buenos Aires’ public mediation centers one observes issues that are unique to an ongoing economic crisis that has eroded job security for years, affecting household income and generating new emotions and family tensions that sometimes lead to violence and other problems.The situation of these mediation centers is very similar to that which can be observed in the Family Legal Centers, public defender’s offices and conciliation centers of Colombia, where mediation is carried out in a context marked by a lack of infrastructure and personnel. Though the resources are not sufficient to meet the wave of disputes that are presented each day, the centers are staffed by mediators and conciliators who are passionate about their work and provide detailed descriptions of their experiences in these areas in a manner that demonstrates their sense of responsibility and commitment.

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