Global Trends in International Arbitration

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Title: Global Trends in International Arbitration
País: UK
Idioma: English
Fuente: Fuente: WilmerHaleFuente: WilmerHale
Reseña: Reseña:The consistent growth in the number and size ofinternational arbitrations is paralleled by the increasedactivity in the field by members of the legal communityin most leading national jurisdictions, including in theUK, Europe, the US, the Middle East and Asia. But unlikemany other legal trends, the sustained growth ofThe consistent growth in the number and size ofinternational arbitrations is paralleled by the increasedactivity in the field by members of the legal communityin most leading national jurisdictions, including in theUK, Europe, the US, the Middle East and Asia. But unlikemany other legal trends, the sustained growth of international arbitration is driven not bylawyers or thelegislature but by parties. Arbitration remains a popularchoice for parties because it is effective and, in theinternational context, capable of overcoming many ofthe problems inherent in other dispute resolutionalternatives. Provided those involved in internationalarbitration continue to be mindful of the objectives ofthe parties, and ensure that international arbitrationcontinues to meet their needs, its growth in popularityis set to continue for many years to come. The principalremaining resistance to international arbitrationoriginates in quarters where efficient, objective andenforceable dispute resolution is not welcomed, butfeared; that stance may provide short-term resistance,but is hardly the basis for long-term threats to thearbitral process.                 

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