Mediation in Mexico ABA/USAID Information Packet

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Title: Mediation in Mexico ABA/USAID Information Packet
País: México
Fuente: Fuente: <a href="" target="_blank">Mediación en México</a>Fuente: <a href="" target="_blank">Mediación en México</a>
Reseña: In September 2001, the Latin American LegalInitiatives Council (LALIC) of the American BarAssociation (ABA), the ABA Section of DisputeResolution and Freedom House began the Mediation inMexico Project (Project) to advance the use ofmediation in the country. The Project, funded by theUnited States Agency for International Developmentin Mexico (USAID/Mexico) serves as a catalyst to promote the use of mediation inMexico. In collaboration with Mexican leaders in the field, the Project createsopportunities for dialogue, learning and development of mediation in the country.

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