WIPO Arbitration Rules

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dc.coverage.spatial Estados Unidos
dc.date.accessioned 2016-01-07T15:23:24Z
dc.date.available 2016-01-07T15:23:24Z
dc.identifier.uri http://desa1.cejamericas.org:8080/handle/2015/915
dc.description.abstract These rules shall govern the arbitration, except that, where any of these Rules is in conflict with a provision of the law applicable to the arbitration from which the partiescannot derogate, that provision shall prevail. Where an Arbitration Agreement provides for arbitration under the WIPO Arbitration Rules, these Rules shall be deemed to form part of that Arbitration Agreement and the disputeshall be settled in accordance with these Rules, as in effect on the date of the commencementof the arbitration, unless the parties have agreed otherwise.
dc.title WIPO Arbitration Rules
dc.ceja.source Fuente: <a href="http://www.idlo.int" target="_blank">International Development Law Organization</a>

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