Legal and Judicial Reform: Strategic Directions

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dc.coverage.spatial Estados Unidos 2016-01-07T15:23:26Z 2016-01-07T15:23:26Z
dc.description.abstract The World Bank’s mission is to promote economic growth and reduce poverty in its member states. One of the critical lessons from the East Asian financial crisis and the collapse of some of the Eastern European transition economies in the 1990s was that, without the rule of law, economic growth and poverty reduction can be neither sustainable nor equitable. While defined in various ways, the rule of law prevails where (i) the government itself is bound by the law, (ii) every person in society is treated equally under the law, (iii) the human dignity of each individual is recognized and protected by law, and (iv) justice is accessible to all.
dc.title Legal and Judicial Reform: Strategic Directions
dc.ceja.source Fuente: <a href="" target="_blank">Banco Mundial</a>

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