Legal Regimes in the Creation of Global Society (Regímenes jurídicos en la constitución de la sociedad mundial- Spanish language document)

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dc.coverage.spatial Chile 2016-01-07T15:23:26Z 2016-01-07T15:23:26Z
dc.description.abstract The creation of a global society brings with it the development of increasingly supranational legal operations that are coupled with national legal constellations, though the former may be relative autonomous. This article identifies four legal regimes: national, international, supranational and neo-spontaneous. The first is the classic nation-state model; the second is created through associations between sovereign states; the third emerges from the delegation of the power of those states to specialized legal fora; and the fourth develops without any link to the state through autonomous actions of different functional spaces. Examples of this last case include lex mercatoria, lex sportiva and lex digitalis. This article begins with a review of the global society thesis and then proposes the deployment of four legal regimes that shape a law of global society.
dc.title Legal Regimes in the Creation of Global Society (Regímenes jurídicos en la constitución de la sociedad mundial- Spanish language document)
dc.ceja.source Fuente: <a href=""> </a>

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