Lessons from the Field: Ten Community Prosecution Leadership Profiles

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Title: Lessons from the Field: Ten Community Prosecution Leadership Profiles
País: United States
Idioma: English
Fuente: Fuente: National District Attorneys Association, http://www.ndaa.orgFuente: National District Attorneys Association, http://www.ndaa.org
Reseña: This monograph provides a summary of promising practices utilized by ten national community prosecution leaders: The City of Dallas, TX; The City and County of Denver, CO; Fulton County (Atlanta), GA; Hennepin County (Minneapolis), MN; Kalamazoo County (Kalamazoo) MI; Kings County (Brooklyn), NY; Marion County (Indianapolis), IN; Multnomah County (Portland), OR; Travis County (Austin),TX; and Washington D.C. Each of these jurisdictions serves as a model for community prosecution based upon its efforts in crime prevention, intervention, and targeted law enforcement, and each represents a unique response to the ever-changing social and law enforcement challenges of the 21st century. Although the demographics, resources and communities of each jurisdiction are different, three integral components of community prosecution are present at each site: 1) partnerships with a variety of government agencies and community-based groups; 2) use of varied and innovative problem- solving methods to address crime and public safety issues; and 3) community involvement. It is hoped that prosecutors across the nation, and even internationally, will use this publication to assist them in their mission to serve as leaders in public safety in their communities. (palabras claves: persecución penal inteligente, investigación penal, ministerio público, comunidad)

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