Institutional Strengthening and Justice Reform

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Title: Institutional Strengthening and Justice Reform
País: United States
Idioma: English
Fuente: Fuente:  U.S. AIDFuente:  U.S. AID
Reseña: The term “institutional strengthening”encompasses a variety of activities aimed at reorganizing or reorienting institutions to enable them to function more effectively. Contrary to conventional wisdom, this paper recommends that institutional questions be addressed throughout the reform process. Answering these questions is essential to the mobilization and orientation of other inputs— political will, law revision, and access— and to the ultimate success of those inputs. USAID’s experience with institutional strengthening is too limited to provide clear-cut best models. Even in the simplest cases, change requires a series of mutually reinforcing interventions. While improved performance ultimately depends on what individual actors do, institutional strengthening requires attention to the organization as well as to the skills and attitudes of its members.

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