Aniversarios, particularmente aquellos que marcan hitos importantes, son una buena oportunidad para reflexionar sobre logros alcanzados y desafíos pre...
This study tracks 15 rape survivors for a month following the day they reported the crime at the police station. The study provided the framework for ...
En el último año del siglo XX conmemoramos dos hechos clave en la historia social jurídica de la infancia. En 1899 en Illinois se creó el que es con...
In providing a comprehensive national profile of domestic violence courts (DVCs), this study explored how criminal DVCs have evolved, their rationale,...
The answer I offer in this Article is that crimes against humanity assault one particular aspect of human being, namely our character as political ani...
Clearly the most significant development in the criminal law for Aboriginal people over the last 25 years was the decision by the Supreme Court of Can...
While some of the changes necessary to address the root causes of why Aboriginal people appear before the courts and are sentenced to jail in dispropo...
Presentación detallada de los delitos de aborto y de infanticidio. Bienes jurídicos protegidos, parte activa, parte pasiva, tipificación de la conduct...
En América Latina, las situaciones de exclusión, vulnerabilidad y desigualdad no son una excepción. Diversas expresiones de la vulnerabilidad social a...
Ponencia presentada en Seminario Internacional Mecanismos Alternativos al Proceso Judicial, realizado en Bogotá Colombia los días 24 y 25 de Noviembre...
Reseña: La reforma constitucional de 1998, reconoce la existencia de los pueblos indígenas como parte del Estado ecuatoriano y se consagra los derech...
En la actualidad en muchos escenarios políticos, judiciales, académicos y de la sociedad civil, la categoría de crímenes de lesa humanidad constituye ...
Recently, there has been a rise in human trafficking across the United States-Mexico border as Mexicans that are smuggled into the United States by co...
Under the COPS funded School-Based Partnerships grant program, law enforcement agencies partnered with schools to address local crime and disorder pro...
A continuación se presenta el informe de la Corte Suprema de Guatemala, en donde se esboza cuáles han sido las principales acciones emprendidas por el...
The purpose of this project was to examine adolescent sexual assault survivors' help-seeking experiences with the legal and medical systems in two Mid...
The authors argue that recent societal reactions to youth violence can be characterized as a moral panic. They argue that the current moral panic over...
Document discusses the judicial issues of adoption for homosexuals and the argument for and against the issue reaching deep into the deep legal aspect...
International human rights treaties recognize that all peoples have the right to maintain their unique cultures and traditions, exercise control over ...