En el último año del siglo XX conmemoramos dos hechos clave en la historia social jurídica de la infancia. En 1899 en Illinois se creó el que es con...
The purpose of this project was to examine adolescent sexual assault survivors' help-seeking experiences with the legal and medical systems in two Mid...
The authors argue that recent societal reactions to youth violence can be characterized as a moral panic. They argue that the current moral panic over...
Document discusses the judicial issues of adoption for homosexuals and the argument for and against the issue reaching deep into the deep legal aspect...
El Código de la Niñez y Adolescencia (Ley No. 100, publicada enRegistro Oficial 737 de 3 de Enero del 2003 y vigente desde el 3 de julio deese mismo a...
Analiza el Convenio sobre aspectos civiles del secuestro -en estricto sentido sustracción- internacional de niños suscrito en La Haya el 25 de octubre...
The main objective of the assessment is to create a critical analytical analysis, and not to condemn but to improve the juvenile justice system in Bel...
This bulletin presents survey results from the National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence (NatSCEV) regarding authorities' knowledge of victim...
This study determined whether there were any differences between reported child sexual abuse cases that originated on New Mexico's tribal lands compar...
This bulletin describes the health and safety risks faced by children who live at or visit clandestine methamphetamine labs. Measures are suggested to...
This bulletin is a companion piece to the OVC monograph Breaking the Cycle of Violence: Recommendations to Improve the Criminal Justice Response to Ch...
Explores in depth the survey results from the National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence (NatSCEV) regarding exposure to family violence among...
This report presents background information on and the methodology, findings, and implications of the National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violen...
Since 1989, OVC's Children's Justice Act grant program has provided funds and technical assistance to help AI/AN communities to better handle serious ...
Publicación que reúne ocho experiencias seleccionadas que participaron en el concurso “Buenas prácticas en rehabilitación y reinserción de adolescente...
Todo Miembro que ratifique el presente Convenio deberá adoptar medidas inmediatas y eficaces para conseguir la prohibición y la eliminación de las peo...
This study is designed to examine how acculturation among Hispanic youth relates to involvement in crime and victimization experiences. (palabras clav...
This publication provides insight into the crime of family abduction from the perspective of both the child and the parent searching for their missing...
EJI has launched a litigation campaign to challenge death in prison sentences imposed on young children. This report is intended to illuminate this cr...