The World Bank’s mission is to promote economic growthand reduce poverty in its member states. One of the critical lessons from the East Asian financi...
The World Bank’s mission is to promote economic growth and reduce poverty in its member states. One of the critical lessons from the East Asian financ...
Ponencia presentada durante la Séptima Conferencia Anual sobre Derecho y Políticas Públicas en las Américas, Creando un Consenso para la Reforma de la...
It is commonplace to say there is a judicial duty of make decisions according to law.This refers in part to a duty to follow the relevant adjectival l...
Procedurally, restorative programmes value active participation of victims,offenders and communities, often through direct encounters with each other,...
This document explains the legislative procedures of the United States Congress. The information may be useful to NGOs seeking to inform members of C...
Genocide struck the tiny African nation of Rwanda in 1994. Since then, national, international, and foreign trials have labored under a heavy load. Th...
The Code of Judicial Conduct is not intended as an exhaustive guide for the conduct of judges. They should also be governed in their judicial and pers...
The Rule of Law phrase has been a slogan used for many political purposes. In this document, the author will group into three categories all or at lea...
The following document examines the strengthening of one of these “disaggregated spheres of authority” (in the phrase of James Rosenau), one of the a...
Does the fact that the Constitution is law tell us anything about the proper method of interpreting it or in any way constrain the sorts of interpreta...
The Rule of Law concept according to the author, can be interpreted in different ways. The three contributions in the document reflect this diversity ...
Frequent references to the Rule of Law make it appear that there is generalagreement about what the Rule of Law is, what precisely it entails, and how...
Ponencia presentada durante la Séptima Conferencia Anual sobre Derecho y Políticas Públicas en las Américas, Creando un Consenso para la Reforma de la...
In May 1999, with support from the Japan-Friendship Commission, the Mansfield Center for Pacific Affairs co-sponsored with the Global Forum in Japan a...