To assist law enforcement and parents in identifying and addressing gang crime, the COPS Office has developed a variety of tools and resources includi...
This paper briefly reviews the range of prevention, intervention, suppression, and comprehensive strategies, providing examples of each type. It then ...
This special edition of the Bulletin sets out a statistical view of the work of the Supreme Court of Canada in 2007 with comparisons to the previous ...
Hace más de 30 años la Universidad Georgetown,en Washington, creó un programa para sus estudiantesde derecho que consistía en dictar un cursoen unas c...
The First Federal Integrity meeting on Strengthening Judicial Integrity and Capacity inNigeria was held in Abuja from 26-27 October, 2001.1 The meetin...
The Guide is divided into two parallel sections, one for trial courts and one for appellate courts.Each section has five common elements: (1) an Intro...
For the purpose of these Regulations, “money laundering”, and other expressions used in the Proceeds of Crime and Money Laundering (Prevention) Act, s...
These Regulations may be cited as the Proceeds ofCrime (Money Laundering) Regulations, 2002 and shall comeinto force on the 22nd day of January 2002....
A cornerstone of a constitutional state and a society governed by the rule of law isthe separation of powers as postulated by the philosophers Charles...
Estudio estadístico de la actividad jurisdiccional de la Corte de Justicia de la Unión Europea en el periodo 2006-2010 El documento consta de seis pa...
According to the author, one kind of good law is good contract law. Contract law and related law, good in form and good in content can help augment ma...
A judicial sector review was completed by the World Bank in order to assess the current state of the judicial system and provide recommendations for r...
Demanda de inconstitucionalidad contra los artículos 2°, 4°, 47, 48, 49 y 72 (todosparciales) de la Ley 975 de 2005 “Por la cual se dictan dispo...
Acciones de tutela instauradas, respectivamente por Luis Francisco Orozco García, María de los Ángeles Brochero Bolaño, Alfonso Rafael Orozco Bolaño y...
Luego de haber analizado el derecho a la libertad, la prisión preventiva, su principios e implicancias, se incorpora como material complementario, la ...
Al momento de sentenciar, el juez ya tiene una idea preconcebida, que debe ser producto de una virtud de intuición llamada sentido de justicia. El jue...
Las Magistradas de Conciencia, las Magistradas y el Magistrado de Honor, constituidas en la ciudad deGuatemala el 9 de diciembre de 1998, en el marco ...