A Police Organizational Model for Crime Reduction

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Title: A Police Organizational Model for Crime Reduction
País: United States
Idioma: English
Fuente: Fuente: Office of Community-Oriented Policing ServicesFuente: Office of Community-Oriented Policing Services
Reseña: A Police Organizational Model for Crime Reduction: Institutionalizing Problem Solving, Analysis, and Accountability presents a new and comprehensive organizational model for the institutionalization of effective crime reduction strategies into police agencies, called the Stratified Model of Problem Solving, Analysis, and Accountability. It describes all the components of the Stratified Model in a succinct and practical way to provide police managers and commanders with a template for improving the efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability of their agency’s crime reduction efforts. Although the objective is to implement all aspects of the Stratified Model, an agency may choose to implement parts of the model as needed or to implement the model in phases.

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