Bridging Gibraltar: Latinos as Agents of Reconciliation in Relations Between Black and White America

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dc.coverage.spatial Estados Unidos 2016-01-07T15:24:39Z 2016-01-07T15:24:39Z
dc.description.abstract The author believes that Latinos and Latinas are destined to serve the critical role of agents of reconciliation and healing in American race relations, particularly between black and white Americans. There are several reasons why Latinos and Latinas are uniquely situated to serve as a positive force for racial healing in America, particularly in black/white relations. First, Latinos and Latinas comprise the fastest growing minority group in America, having increased by 38% since 1990. It is projected that Latinos and Latinas will constitute the largest minority group by the year 2005, and that by 2050 Latinos and Latinas will comprise nearly one quarter of the population.
dc.title Bridging Gibraltar: Latinos as Agents of Reconciliation in Relations Between Black and White America

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