Complementary measures to conventional justice system responses

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Title: Complementary measures to conventional justice system responses
País: St. Lucia
Fuente: Fuente: <a href="">OECS-CIDA Judicial and Legal Reform Project (JLR)</a>, 2001, 19 p.Fuente: <a href="">OECS-CIDA Judicial and Legal Reform Project (JLR)</a>, 2001, 19 p.
Reseña: The Judicial and Legal Reform Project (JLR) is a five-year project aimed at supportingimprovements to the administration of law and quality of justice in the OECS. TheProject is intended to benefit all citizens of the OECS, with a specific sensitivity to theneeds of women and youth.A strengthened judicial and legal system can provide an enabling environment forequitable social and economic development. Reform initiatives have therefore beendirected along three paths: a) to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the courts inhearing cases; b) to promote better management of the justice system through thedevelopment of a legal information system; and, c) to promote fairness by developing andsupporting alternatives to conventional justice system processes.

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