Effective Use of Courtroom Technology:A Judge’s Guide to Pretrial and Trial

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Title: Effective Use of Courtroom Technology:A Judge’s Guide to Pretrial and Trial
País: Estados Unidos
Fuente: Fuente: <a href="http://www.fjc.gov/ag">Federal Judicial Center</a>, 2001, 358 p.Fuente: <a href="http://www.fjc.gov/ag">Federal Judicial Center</a>, 2001, 358 p.
Reseña: This publication is the result of a joint project between the Federal Judicial Center and the National Institute for Trial Advocacy. It describes the substantive and procedural considerations that may arise when lawyers bring electronic equipment to the courtroom or use court-provided equipment for displaying or playing evidentiary exhibits or illustrative aids during trial. It comes with a CD-ROM that contains the entire text of the book for easy searching, reference, or excerpting, and includes examples of the kinds of exhibits that may raise objections as to transitions, animations, color, sound, and special effects. The Center provides this publication free to the federal judiciary.

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