Federal judicial pay erosion: A report on the need for reform

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Title: Federal judicial pay erosion: A report on the need for reform
País: Estados Unidos
Fuente: Fuente: <a href="http://www.uscourts.gov">U.S. Courts</a>Fuente: <a href="http://www.uscourts.gov">U.S. Courts</a>
Reseña: The American Bar Association (ABA) and the Federal Bar Association (FBA) havecollaborated to issue this report because of their conviction that the current salaries ofFederal judges have reached such levels of inadequacy that they threaten to impair thequality and independence of the Third Branch. The ABA and the FBA urge the newAdministration and the 107th Congress to enact reforms to ensure that Federal judges andother high-ranking national officials are adequately and equitably compensated. Withoutprompt remedial action, the Federal government may jeopardize its capacity to continue toattract and retain the very best talent in public office.

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