Guide to the District of Columbia Pretrial Services Agency’s Programs and Services

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Title: Guide to the District of Columbia Pretrial Services Agency’s Programs and Services
País: United States
Idioma: English
Fuente: Fuente: D.C. Pretrial Services AgencyFuente: D.C. Pretrial Services Agency
Reseña: The D.C. Pretrial Services Agency (PSA) is committed to honoring the constitutional presumption of innocence and enhancing public safety by formulating recommendations that promote the use of non-financial pretrial release under the least restrictive conditions and by providing effective community supervision for defendants in a manner that: 1) reasonably assures that defendants will return to court and will not be a danger to the community while on pretrial release; and 2) addresses the social problems that contribute to criminal behavior. This document is a guide to the programs and services that PSA offers in order to achieve these goals.

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