Investigating Forensic Problems in the United States

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Title: Investigating Forensic Problems in the United States
País: United States
Idioma: English
Fuente: Fuente: Innocence Project, http://www.innocenceproject.orgFuente: Innocence Project,
Reseña: Investigating Forensic Problems in the United States:  How the Federal Government can Strengthen Oversight Through the Coverdell Grant Program.Nearly five years after Congress passed legislation to help ensure that forensic negligence or misconduct is properly investigated, extensive independent reviews show that the law is largely being ignored and, as a result, serious problems in crime labs and other forensic facilities have not been remedied. In short, the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs (OJP), which is responsible for the program, has failed to make sure that even the law’s most basic requirements are followed.With a new Administration—and an increasing national interest in ensuring that taxpayer money is spent wisely and that the criminal justice system relies on the best evidence possible— this report outlines what has gone wrong in enforcing existing forensic oversight laws and how it can be made right. The report describes the federal forensic oversight program; outlines the problems that have plagued the program since its inception (with specific examples); explains the consequences of the federal government’s inadequate administration of the program; shows how forensic negligence and misconduct lead to wrongful convictions; and gives specific recommendations for what the federal government, states and individuals can do to strengthen forensic oversight. (palabras claves: condenas erróneas, exoneración, inocencia, identificación ocular, reconocimiento de imputados, AND, ciencia forénsica)

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