Judging transitional justice: An evaluation of truth revelation procedures

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Title: Judging transitional justice: An evaluation of truth revelation procedures
País: Estados Unidos
Fuente: Fuente: <a href="http://repositories.cdlib.org/cilas/papers/22" target="_blank">eScholarship Repository, University of California.</a>Fuente: <a href="http://repositories.cdlib.org/cilas/papers/22" target="_blank">eScholarship Repository, University of California.</a>
Reseña: We discuss the relationship between principles of rule of law, such as due process, and transitional justice, especially truth revelation procedures. We arguethat the traditional understanding of rule of law is ill-suited for evaluating lustration laws and truth commissions, and that the levels of false convictionand false acquittal are more adequate normative criteria. We distinguish between two types of truth revelation procedures: ITRs induce perpetrators and secret agents of the authoritarian regime to reveal the truth about their past while ETRs rely exclusively on preserved evidence and victims’ testimonies, without requiring any activity from the defendant. We demonstrate with a decision-making model that while both procedures are sensitive to the problemof falsified evidence, an ITR performs better with respect to revealing theidentity of collaborators whose files were destroyed. Finally, we explain the connection between ITRs and endogenous transitional justice making an argument for the latter over exogenous modes of coming to terms with the past.

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